Pupil Parliament
Our Pupil Parliament Promise and Vision
Be thoughtful, caring and kind.
Listen, work together and communicate with care.
Value others, help each other no matter what.
No limit on learning or ideas.
Be unbeatable.
Be respectful of everyone and their views.
Always show good manners.
Our Pupil Parliament meets regularly to help and organise School improvements. One girl and one boy are voted in by each class every September. They report back to their own class and bring any ideas back to the Pupil Parliament for the next meeting. We currently have 28 members. Some members have specific roles: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Vice Secretary and Speaker.
Following a visit to The Houses of Parliament the Pupil Parliament by Year 6 , these members made some suggestions for change. Now we have a Speaker and Pupil Parliament will keep the same members for 2 years.
This year our Pupil Parliament are working together to improve space and facilities for play and fitness.
Currently, some members volunteered to be part of different working parties. They have identified what to purchase and ways in which to obtain the money for this.
A working party researched and met with representatives of different companies to decide on the outside multi gym they wanted. Another working party have planned a format for a fundraising idea.
Now, the decision has been made we can move forward with planning how the equipment is paid for and how this will be achieved.
Pupil Parliament are supporting our Healthy Schools status with this project too.